13 Feb SPANK! ‘Tokyo Kink’ – The Annual Ball – Sat 9 April 2011
[singlepic id=4662 w=320 h=240 float=left]This year we’re turning Japanese! And we have some spectacular entertainment lined up for you:
10:45 Geisha Burlesque (Lady Velvet Cabaret)
Midnight: Master/Mistress Switch (Milieu & New Pony, Melbourne)
1:00 Ninja Fire (Azure Entertainment)
Roving acts: 10-10:30 Puppy Play, 12:30-1 Pony Play (Milieu & New Pony)
Plus: Dungeon by Designedfordeviance http://designedfordeviance.com.au, overseen by the Fetish Manor’s Master Lucas, also Mistress Elizabeth (no needleplay or breaking of skin please) – Photos by Warped Photography http://warped-photography.com – Fetish stall by B’erotique http://www.berotique.com.au/
You can dress up in either theme or ‘regular’ kinkwear. Explore your innermost desires and go all-out with fetish, fantasy, lingerie, burlesque, uniform, drag, gothic glam, skin art or steampunk styles. Need inspiration? Our gallery features hot pics of dressed-to-the-max partygoers from 5 years of Spank parties.
(NB Please join us on Facebook at the ‘SpankParty Australia‘ group for updates and event alerts)
Think Harajuka girls, cyber Ninjas, neo-Geishas, cute Karate masters, latex Samurai, eastern Lolitas & gothic schoolboys, Tokyo punk, CosPlay with twisted Anime or slutty Manga characters, or simply tie yourself up with stunning Shibari rope bondage.
Bare boobs and bums are fine, but no private bits please! No denim, no cotton T-shirts, no dress shirts unless part of a costume, no streetwear or normal clubwear. Bare minimum for men is black pants & alternative top / bare chest teamed with jewellery / skin/hair art / kinky accessories.
Dirty chunky electro house, sensual twisted beats and filthy bass c/o the amazing Janette Slack (Torture Garden, UK) http://www.janetteslack.com/, plus Reuben & Tintin (Perth)
Best-outfit prize sponsors who are also offering you 10% off outfits on presentation of valid Spank ticket: b’eRotique (Seddon St, Subiaco) & Libido Adult Superstore (James St)
VENUE – Villa Nightclub, 187 Stirling St, Perth
Time: 9pm – 4am
Earlybird till 19 March $45 + booking fee, 2nd release $55 + b/f, door $60
For secure online purchase please click on the MOSHTIX page: http://www.moshtix.com.au/event.aspx?id=44355&ref=moshtix.
Or try Moshtix by phone 1300 GET TIX (438 849), or Moshtix outlets (includes Red Stripe Clothing and Planet Video).
Also available from LIBIDO ADULT SUPERSTORE (James St) and BURLESQUE BABY/MAME CLOTHING (Wellington St)
Valid photo ID required for ALL ages on entry, ID scanners in use. 18+ event
NB NO PERSONAL CAMERAS allowed (to protect the innocent!). Watch out for the official Spank photographers who will be taking photos with your permission for our website.
A big thank-you to ADULTMATCHMAKER http://www.adultmatchmaker.com.au/ for their help in promoting this party.